Patricia Slight “I Wonder #2” Monotype, Chine Collé, Collagraph, Solar Plate

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“The purpose of remember is to remind
The purpose of imagination provides image.
The purpose of the dream provides the drama.
Between these worlds swing the pendulum of curiosity, tolling
‘I wonder’
‘I wonder’
Wondering is the first song-whisper of me,
the original breath of feeling
I step into for form, announcing my presence.
Remember is a road leading to and coming home from,
as the heart blossoms it rose wings wide, with each returning,
each departure.”

Re_member? by Mel Bucholtz
@Mel Bucholtz, with permission of the author
“I Wonder #2″, 18″ x 24” framed, monotype, chine collé, collagraph,solar plate $425.00

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